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Supporting Homeless at North County Veterans Standdown

Updated: May 13, 2021

On February 6-9, The North County Veterans Stand Down (#NCVSD) returned to support hundreds of homeless veterans struggling in the Northern part of San Diego County. Us4Warriors™ was in full force supporting veterans with groceries, basic needs items, blankets, knitted caps and other assistance. Over 280, individually wrapped Comfort4Warriors bags were provided and 175 sacks of groceries with hand-selected, easily prepared foods manageable and nourishing for those in need. Each recipient received motivational pocket cards with helpful resource information and reminders that they are not alone. The Warrior Volunteer Force spread themselves throughout to support as many participants as possible with resources, directions and moments of genuine listening and sharing. Us4Warriors™ Thanks the North County Stand Down Team for including us and for hosting such a dynamic and supportive event for our brothers and sisters struggling with homelessness.

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