During these troubling times, our San Diego County area has many military and veterans who are encountering tough times. Within a county of 1.2M military, veterans and their families, it takes a collaborative community to reach those in need to the fullest extent at times. We appreciate the partnership of organizations like The American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, Feeding San Diego, San Diego Food Bank, 2-1-1 San Diego, Easter Seals, Support the Enlisted Project, San Diego Veterans Coalition, Department of Veterans Affairs, County of San Diego and many more who band together to accomplish more during these uncertain times of unprecedented challenges among the military and veterans population. Whether it was an event hosted by these organizations where we have lent a few hands from our Warrior Volunteer Force to be force multipliers for their events, like our friends with Support The Enlisted Project and Easterseals, to clinging tightly to key information brokers like the San Diego Veterans Coalition and County of San Diego to receiving synergistic support to amplify our food distribution efforts thanks to Feeding San Diego and San Diego Food Bank as well as our team members helping support deliveries to Veterans Affairs Clinics and our key Food4Warriors venues at American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars posts and Elks lodges. Without all of these collaborative partners and more, we could not fulfill our mission. Collaboration is key! Together, we will march onward through the maze of support to bring our community beyond COVID-19. The mission continues...
