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Books4Warriors providing books for transitioning homeless veterans

For many years, Us4Warriors has supported various "standdown" events supporting homeless veterans. In doing so, Us4Warriors attempts to fill in the gaps and rally to support the needs that may not have been met. From providing food and basic needs to providing hundreds of Warrior Volunteer Force members to ensure overnight and largely attended events are well secure and safe, Us4Warriors answers the call to support collaborative efforts in our area. This year, the hosting organization of the Annual San Diego Veterans Standdown, Veterans Village of San Diego, decided to provide a one-day, walk through event located at their headquarters in San Diego on November 17th from 9am to 4pm. This year, our Books4Warriors project was called upon to support a veterans library. With Us4Warriors close work with Best Selling authors, a library was put together with over 300 books, many with special words of encouragement from national best selling authors like James Rollins, William Craig Reed, Jan Burke, C.J. Lyons, Rick Campbell, Tom Young and many more. In addition, Us4Warriors resident photographer and Board of Doers member, Barry Baron was on hand to provide event photo support for the event. Through these specially organized and specifically assembled caring events for homeless veterans, many are able to gain access to key programs, clothing, hygiene items, meals and other elements of support that can assist in the ability to remove temporary obstacles and provide a pathway forward towards self-reliance. Us4Warriors has a strong history of supporting these events in many ways and is committed to continue the legacy of helping these warriors make their way to living a stronger life.

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