For Crypto Warriors, there is a new way to support great causes. Thanks to Epic Eagles , a collection of 6 Epic Eagle NFT images designed to represent America's branches of the military are being independently auctioned off each week with proceeds to be donated to Us4Warriors in support of our programs assisting military, veterans and their families. This unique type of auction is hosted exclusively by Epic Eagles and is among over 7,700 eagle design digital auctions that their extremely talented artists have created. For those new to the cryptocurrency world, NFTs are referred to as "non-fungible tokens" and represent unique items such as photos, videos, audio and other types of digital files in which use of blockchain technology establishes each with a verified, public proof of ownership. For a buyer, NFTs provide a secure certificate of ownership over a digital object that is intended to protect the items value. According to Forbes magazine, the overall NFT market has an estimated value of $338 million and includes an entire array of such items ranging from works by notable artists, animated series of items, pieces of photographic history and celebrity headshots as well as other forms of digital art. Even Major League Baseball is reported to have NFT baseball cards. But, here we find an incredible event hosted by an extremely creative set of artist who are auctioning these unique items for charity. Us4Warriors is not the host of the event nor do we provide financial advice. We always encourage donors and supporters to do their own homework before making financial transactions. We are merely sharing information about an event that is taking place that benefits our cause. Us4Warriors will receive proceeds in the form of a donation after the auction has concluded. For these exclusive NFT auctions, the host (Epic Eagles) offers the items in the Ethereum (ETH) blockchain. You can find the auction by Clicking Here! If you are completely new to the crypto world and would like to know more, check out our Crypto4Warriors page. We thank Epic Eagles, @ArtofSyrl and all the Crypto Warriors who participate in support of a great cause!