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Us4Warriors™ Food Security Program Collaboration Mentioned to Congress

Updated: May 13, 2021

On January 9th, our partners with the Dept of Veterans Affairs & Feeding San Diego attended the Congressional Committee on Veterans Affairs (Sub-committee on Economic Opportunity) Oversight Hearing to Address Veteran Hunger. The hearing was Chaired by Congressman Mike Levin (CA-49). Levin reminded that "no one Veteran in need should go hungry." Dr. Thomas O'Toole & Christine Going, Co-Chairs of Dept of VA VHA's "Ensuring Veterans Food Security Work Group" reinforced the need & discussed several ways governmental support can be strengthened to help Veterans & ways VA partners with community non-profit partners. Locally, we are pleased to be that local partner for VA Medical Center La Jolla through the local "VA Food Empowerment" program where we work with VA Nutritionists & Social Workers to identify the best foods and deliver them to VA Clinics in the area. From another local partner, Vince Hall, CEO of Feeding San Diego captured the needs of Veterans as well as identifying local challenges of junior military. Us4Warriors is proud to be one of the organizations mentioned by Hall combating this issue on the frontlines for these Veterans. When asked about a stigma among Veterans regarding the seeking of food. In response, Hall explained that "no one feels pride seeking food," but "only by partnering with these organizations who have the trust of Veterans" is creating a "safe environment where we minimize that stigma & maximize their dignity." Today's hearing was a great exchange to bring awareness to the issues & to bring legislators to the needs in order to help find ways forward. The oversight hearing was entitled “Reviewing the Availability of Resources to Address Veteran Hunger” and it examined United States Department of Agriculture & Veterans Affairs programs that provide nutrition assistance to nearly twenty million veterans. Us4Warriors™ is proud to play a role in helping fight food insecurity within San Diego County in support of the 1.2M Military, Veterans & families among us who count on the efforts of our Warrior Volunteer Force and Food4Warriors™ Programs each year. Each month, we provide food to those in need in hopes to help all live a stronger life. Together, like the collaborate efforts of our partners, we can help thousands when we work together!

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