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Put Stock in Something That Matters Year Round: Stocks4Warriors

Did you know that when you donate stock, you avoid the tax on the gain while deducting 100% of the value of the contribution? When you give stock, you may earn 2-3x the tax savings vs. donating cash. It’s a win-win for you and us. And now it’s fast, safe and easy to do.

Us4Warriors has partnered with to enable our supporters to make stock donations in 10 minutes or less. Our Us4Warriors Stocks4Warriors Page enables you to donate stock from your brokerage directly to our account through a secure portal, making the gifting process fast, safe and easy. So remember, charitable giving doesn’t always mean cash. By giving stock, your support will have even greater impact—without denting your pocketbook. Give smart and save more by putting stock in something that matters. Our Warriorverse of programs, services and activities give many possibilities to help others in need! Visit our Stocks4Warriors page at to learn how you can transform your stock into a tool to uplift others with the financial benefit of saving money on your taxes.

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